The 13 Best Blogs To Learn English

Estimated read time 9 min read

Are you searching for an online platform to practice the English reading skills and to learn something new?

You’re in the right spot as I’ve curated the top 13 websites for learning English.

These books can satisfy your desire for knowledge, and also help you improve your English as well.

Here are the results.

1. Leonardo English

Leonardo English can be described as a site designed for students of English who want to enhance their proficiency in English while also studying the world.

It was officially opened at the end of the year by AlastairBudge, an entrepreneur and marketer in the startup world of the UK.

Alastair hosts an amazing podcast called “English for Curious Minds” and has a blog as well which you can read Alastair’s own words “from tips on language learning, partnerships, news, and an insider view on how we produce our podcasts.”

As I perused on the site, I came across two articles that were interesting including one on ways to utilize ChatGPT to enhance the quality of your English and another in which you can watch an interview with someone who is a student of English similar to you.

I’m sure that you’ll find more interesting stories on the site.

You can check out the blog here.

2. Leo-Listening

Don’t get confused.

Leo isn’t a short form for Leonardo but rather for Leopold.

Cara Leopold is an English teacher from Scotland who assists cinephile English learners comprehend and discuss films they love to improve their English speaking, listening and pronunciation skills.

She is the creator of Leo-Listening which is the most incredible site for adults English learners who wish enhance their English through films.

On her blog, you will be able to read on:

  • Understanding native speakers
  • Learn to understand English films and TV shows without subtitles
  • English listening strategies
  • Podcast episode Cara has recorded
  • Interviews with experts on the art of listening as well as language learning and living in a foreign country
  • Motivation for learning to speak and the mindset

and and much.

Cara is convinced that people do not only have the right for work English but also live an active life and have long conversations in English on topics you are interested in – such as movies.

Cara is the person to call when you’re a film enthusiast looking to meet people who speak English.

She also assists me in managing my blog, and I also did interview for her YouTube Channel too.

Visit the blog of her here.

3. Fabio Cerpelloni’s Blog

Fabio Cerpelloni, the English instructor who hails from Italy which believes that studying books shouldn’t be only a pastime, but is a crucial part of individual and language improvement.

That’s why he hosts self-development books for advanced learners of English.

Fabio is a top writer in the field of education on a blogging platform known as Medium but he also has a fascinating blog on his website, where you can read interesting articles as well as inspirational stories about learning languages and self-development.

If you’re a person who believes that a day with no learning is a wasted day Fabio’s blog is worth a look.

You can read about it here.

4. Derek Sivers’ Blog

Derek Sivers is a modern philosopher from the modern age. What is this? Below are his three quotes that will provide you with an idea:

  1. “Business isn’t all about money. It’s about bringing dreams to life both for yourself and others.”
  2. “If more information was the answer, we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs”
  3. “Pay close attention to when you’re being the real you and when you’re trying to impress an invisible jury.”

There are more inspirational ideas like that on his website, and you can also hear the author read his book in loud.

It is a great way to enhance your pronunciation and also to be aware of the distinctions between written and spoken versions of words.

Beware: He’s a virtuoso minimalist, therefore don’t be expecting to see a flashy and colorful site.

5. StoryLearning

This blog is being read right now!

The StoryLearning blog, you’ll find articles on grammar and pronunciation, vocabulary reading, listening writing, speaking, and other useful resources for learning, such as the best apps for learning English as well as television shows.

You can take a look at the English lessons right here.

6. Enchanting Marketing

Do you enjoy writing? do you want better writing or both?

If yes, Enchanting Marketing is the ideal blog to do that.

The book is created by Henneke Duistermaat who is a well-known copywriter and blogger who can help to make your writing more persuasive and engaging.

Enchanting Marketing focuses on business writing, but it’s an ideal blog to write captivating and well-written articles to be read by an online audience all over the world.

Perhaps you’d like to create your blog in English or create you’re looking to create a social media account or newsletter, or something else that you can think of. If this is what you’re looking for, check Henneke’s blog for excellent online writing advice.

7. Medium

Medium is a completely free blog platform that lets anyone write whatever they want and interact with a group of writers and readers.

It’s amazing.

Sign up for an account and you’ll be set to read a myriad of posts on a vast number of topics.

You can even be an Medium blogger, too. All you need be required to do is tap “write story”, write your story, and then post it on Medium for others to take a look at.

However, that’s not all.

When you reach 100 fans, then you could apply to join the Medium Partners Program. In this program, you receive a commission when people view your blog posts. (Of course, you’d be required to write interesting content that people would want to be able to.)

Why not try it?

8. How Stuff Works

This is a excellent blog for those with an interest in science with a wide range of content on:

  • Health
  • Science
  • Culture
  • Lifestyle
  • Entertainment
  • Tech

and many more topics.

Their About page states “HowStuffWorks explains the curiosities of our world, delving into everything from cyber security and housecleaning tips to the physics of black holes and the history of slang.”

Cool, huh?

The authors are experts in their field, therefore the difficulty may be higher If you’re not an Upper Intermediate or advanced learner.

It’s not a bad idea to try however.

9. Matthew Dicks’ Blog

Matthew Dicks is an American novelist and writer. He is also a master storyteller and teacher at the elementary school level.

He posts blog entries every day, but his posts don’t concentrate on one particular area of significance. Matt writes about everything and anything.

His writing style is fluid and easy to follow, and his thoughts are often funny, and sometimes thought-provoking.

As he posts daily posts You’ll never run out of interesting posts to explore in his website.

10. Goodreads

Goodreads is an online social network for people who love reading.

You can interact and interact with fellow readers. discover books review, write reviews, track the books you’ve read and many other things that are connected to reading.

There’s a blog as well on the platform, where you can read the latest posts posted by members of the community. The posts are mostly about books, and this is the ideal location for you if someone who loves books.

11. English Through Football

Football fans! You’ve come to the right place to learn English with English Through Football!

The creators of the site include Damian Fitzpatrick and Damon Brewster two football enthusiasts along with English instructors who are from the UK.

They also have an online blog. However, it’s not actually a blog since every post is actually a transcription of a podcast episode.

This could be described as an “listening blog”.

Listening and reading transcripts is a great training exercise and football fans it could be more beneficial for you.

12. TED Blog

TED Talks – in the event you’re not aware – are a collection of brief, powerful talks presented by innovative thinkers, thought leaders and others with unique viewpoints.

They’re available for free online and are an excellent listening source.

TED which is a contraction of Technology Entertainment Design, has also a blog, it’s called the Ideas Blog – where you’ll read informative articles about technology, business sciences, arts and design.

The content is written by professionals in their fields, and contain ideas that are worth spreading.

Certain articles are linked some of the articles are linked to TED talks. By watching the video first, before reading the article (or reverse) will not only allow you develop two skills at the same time (reading as well as listening) but also give you more knowledge of the subject that is being discussed.

13. Nir Eyal’s Blog

Nir Eyal is the author of two books on nonfiction titled “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products” and “Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life.”

The blog is which contains articles on productivity as well as introspection, habit formation motivation, and consumer psychology.

This is the website for you in case want to develop new habits, clear your mind of distractions, gain the right focus and become more productive during your day.

Best Blogs To Learn English

The number of fantastic blogs on the web that it’d be difficult to include them all in one place. However, these 13 blogs to learn English could be a good beginning point.

Blogs are an excellent reading source. However, if you wish to use reading as a tool to assist you in learning English be sure to follow the guidelines in StoryLearning as you read brief stories that are written with English and books written in English.

I hope that you’ve found this article informative!

Enjoy reading!

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