How To Learn English At Home: 11 Simple Strategies

Estimated read time 9 min read

You won’t be able to master English unless you relocate to an English spoken country.

Do you do you agree?

I do not. Actually, I oppose this.

However, many students believe that for them to learn English they must purchase an tickets in London, New York, Toronto, Melbourne, Cape Town or Wellington.

There’s no need for this.

It is possible to immerse yourself in English and eventually become a fluent native speaker without ever having to visit an English spoken country.

Here’s how you can learn English at the comfort of your home.

1. Read

I can’t think of the language learner who doesn’t read. I’m the one who invented the method of StoryLearning at the very least!

Reading helps you:

  • reinforce your grammar
  • expand your vocabulary
  • You can consolidate patterns and structures that you’ve already learned
  • See a lot of languages in context.

Reading is an excellent source of input to language, and also mental stimulation for the brain, too.

It’s not a surprise that it’s among the most effective ways to master English in the comfort of your home.

What should you learn from the book?

There are plenty of things you can keep your eyes on. It is essential that you are able to comprehend and enjoy the content you’re studying.

If the material you’re reading about is difficult for you, then you’ll not take pleasure in it. If you’re not enjoying what you’re working on it’s likely that you won’t gain much.

Also, make sure that you find things to read that are interesting to you and is appropriate for your current level of language Just a few of the guidelines for StoryLearning.

Here are a few novels for English learners that I suggest. Also, why not look into my short stories in my English ebook.

If books aren’t your thing, you could also enjoy reading:

  • Online articles
  • Magazines
  • Blogs
  • Podcast transcripts
  • Comics
  • Social media posts
  • Pages on the website
  • Online newspapers
  • Short stories

The possibilities are limitless.

2. Watch Movies And TV Shows

The cost of TV and movie shows is inexpensive these days. You can access a variety of streaming platforms where shows and movies are just simply a mouse click away.

Here are some tips on how you can learn English at home through the help of shows and movies:

  • Watch them both with and without English subtitles
  • Don’t think you can comprehend 100% of what you observe. Be realistic.
  • Watch the movies you’ve watched in your primary language.
  • Participate in online film clubs. This will help you to understand films better through discussion, and it’s perfect for speaking.
  • Find out what the film or TV show’s subject matter is prior to watching it. This will let you know the content you’re about to see.
  • You can watch the same episode more than one time.
  • Take a minute to watch the program and attempt to comprehend the show as well as you can.
  • Have amusement! If you’re bored, to a different place and watch something else.

I’ve compiled an index of the 20 top TV shows that can help you master English.

I’m sure that you’ll find something to suit your preferences.

3. Listen To Podcasts

It is possible to listen podcasts during…

  • cleaning up the dishes
  • Cleaning up the house
  • getting rid of the garbage
  • Running
  • strolling around the neighborhood

…or at any other moment in which you’d like to get to know English in the course of doing other things.

Podcasts are simply great.

They can save you time because you can accomplish two tasks simultaneously Learn English as well as doing what else you require to accomplish.

Also, ensure that you listen to podcasts that you like. Don’t just listen to a podcast simply because it’s English.

So, why not start an own podcast? I explained the benefits of having your own podcast in this article (Tip 4. 4).

4. Use Self-Study Books

There are many self-study guides available that are great.

There aren’t only books on grammar and vocabulary. Also, there are pronunciation books exam and skills development books.

These are excellent teaching sources.

Of course, it’s not possible to be able to master English simply through filling the ins of an expression or performing similar exercises in the language.

However, self-study reference books are just one of the methods you can employ to master English. Sure, it can appear boring for some. However, it might not be boring for you.

If you’re looking to begin reading these publications, I would suggest you look into The Cambridge “In Use” series.

5. Keep A Learning Diary

We’re not talking about diary entries such as “Dear Diary Today I feel fantastic due to …”” or “Today my friend told me that I should write a diary entry. …”

You could keep this kind of diary, of course. It’s a good method to improve the writing abilities.

What I’m talking about in this article is keeping a”learning” log that you keep in which:

  • Write down your daily learning goals for the week are.
  • how you can achieve these goals
  • and any reflections you may have regarding your language learning accomplishments.

This isn’t just an opportunity to keep yourself motivated but it is also something you could make to remind yourself of your obligations.

Fabio one of my colleagues, conducted an exercise with students by using diaries. He found that keeping a journal can aid some learners in improving their skills.

You can get more details about his research here.

6. Write A Blog

You’re currently reading a blog. Why not create one?

It’s an effective way to learn how to write and to connect with others through your writing.

You can write about anything you’d like. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Your life
  • Dishes you can make
  • The trips you’ve been to
  • You’re an expert in
  • Books you read
  • The movies you are able to
  • You can play video games
  • Your country
  • Learning English
  • Sports
  • Ideas you’ve had

The best feature of blogs is you do not have to be a professional web developer to start an online blog.

There’s a fantastic blogging platform that does not require technical skills. It’s known as Medium (I’ve previously discussed it in my previous article on the most popular sites to use for English students) All you have to do is sign up for an account for free.

You can begin blogging right now.

7. Use Dictionaries

Knowing how to use the dictionary as well as using it is without doubt one of the most effective methods of expanding your vocabulary.

In a dictionary for learners It’s typical to discover:

  • Clear definitions
  • Indicator of speech part
  • Pronunciation guide
  • Examples of sentences
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Word forms
  • Use notes and suggestions
  • The use of colloquial and idiomatic expressions

and many more things.

Here are some fantastic dictionary you may want to look into:

  • Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
  • Longman Dictionary
  • Collins Dictionary
  • Cambridge Dictionary

It is possible to improve your vocabulary right in your bedroom by using these dictionary. There is no need to book a flight to England.

8. Read Aloud

The act of reading aloud can be particularly useful to improve your pronunciation and practice.

Let me explain.

When reading aloud, you must concentrate on articulating the words and sounds.

This is a standard practice.

However, if you choose to record yourself as well and then listen back to the recordings, you might be able to spot the pronunciation mistakes you make.

Additionally, if you receive an excellent pronunciation model from a different person You can then examine your pronunciation against that model and assess your pronunciation.

You could, for instance, read aloud the first paragraph of a book. Then listen to an audiobook, comparing your pronunciation to the narration. You can also perform the same feat using transcripts of podcasts, videos or movies.

9. Explore Websites

Did you realize you’re English is not just the most widely spoken, however, it’s also among the top researched languages in the world?

Did you have the knowledge the fact that English is by far the most frequently used in the world of Internet?

This means that the internet can be a goldmine for you.

There are some amazing websites you can utilize to get better at English. Some of them are specifically designed for people who are studying English. They’re made specifically to be used by learners like you..

Explore them.

Here are my top three ones:

  • The website offers free English video lessons for beginners students through advanced learners. The classes are given by highly experienced English teachers. They cover different subjects like grammar vocabulary pronunciation, idioms, business English and exam preparation and many more.
  • BBC Learning English is a must-have for anyone who wants to learn English. There are pronunciation courses as well as podcasts and quizzes on vocabulary, grammar classes, and lots of other interesting things.
  • British Council The British Council is an organization which works internationally to encourage education and cultural exchange. A large part of that involves providing instruction in the English language. So on their website, you can find excellent learning resources for free.

10. Hire A Private Tutor

Why not employ an instructor who will aid you in your learning?

If you do decide to take this route it’s important to be aware of.

It is 168 hours within one week. Working with a tutor one hour every week, but doing nothing for improvement of your English over the next 167 hours will not aid you in progressing.

It’s easy to believe the hiring of a private instructor can help you get better quicker. But that won’t happen unless you practice your English abilities between classes too.

They aren’t magicians. Therefore, even when you have an instructor, it’s you who has to complete the task.

Please be aware of this.

11. Use Apps

There are some amazing applications that can be used to enhance your English at the touch of a button. I have selected a few of my favorite apps in my blog article.

Check out. I’m sure you’ll discover at the very least something you could start using immediately.

How To Learn English At Home

As you can see, there are a lot of options in order to enhance your English without leaving your home country.

In the majority of cases you will require an internet connection as well as some determination.

Keep in mind that learning a language can be done anywhere, including on your own couch.

Now that you are aware of how to learn English in your home. investigate learning, explore and have great fun!

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