The 20 Best English Grammar Books For English Learners

Estimated read time 15 min read

Learning grammar is an effective way to improve your grammar. For studying your grammar you could refer to English Grammar books.

What book should you choose? There are a lot of books out there!

Here are the top 20 English Grammar books.


1. The Elements Of Style By William Strunk Jr. And E.B. White

Every English writer is aware of “The Elements of Style”.

This book can be helpful which teaches you to write more effectively in English and provides instructions and suggestions on how you can improve your writing, making it easier to read, less cluttered and more understandable.

It’s not exactly classified as an “grammar book” but you’ll find that the authors discuss extensively about grammar.

It is essential to have a good grammar in order to write in decent English After all isn’t it?

“The Elements of Style” contains 95 pages and was written more than 100 years ago, however, the examples, advice and suggestions you’ll find in it remain relevant to contemporary English.

This book is essential reading for anyone who wants learn to enhance your grammar to write more engaging and engaging writing.

2. English Grammar In Use by Raymond Murphy

A book I’ve been giving to my students since I began teaching.

“English Grammar in Use”is divided in short units of grammar which present the grammar in context.

The meaning behind this structure is explained through simple language, pictures and a variety of examples.

Each unit comes with exercises which you can use to practice the grammar you learn.

Everything is simple and straightforward to follow. It’s no wonder that this is the most widely used self-study grammar textbook for those who are learning of English.

There are three levels that are Elementary (red cover) Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate (blue) as well as Advanced (green).

Pick the one that is the most appropriate for you. And ensure you purchase the one that has answers, so that you can check yourself on whether you did it right or wrong during the tests.

3. Practical English Usage By Michael Swan

There’s not a grammar issue that hasn’t been addressed within “Practical English Usage” which is a grammar reference book written by a grammarist in the UK.

Everything is arranged alphabetically. The best ways to use tenses prepositions Verbs, structures, verbs, spelling rules everything is there.

This is the reason students and teachers have been using this resource for a long time.

You’ll find explanations of basic as well as advanced grammar terms, common English mistakes as well as numerous examples.

I often used this book when I needed to get answers to grammar-related questions that my students had asked or if I was not sure about a specific grammar issue.

An excellent resource on your bookshelf, that’s worth every cent.

4. A Comprehensive Grammar Of The English Language By Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik

A whopping 2000 pages! Do you think this is enough to show how thorough the text is?

It took 4 people to write what’s probably the most comprehensive and heavy-to-carry-in-your- backpack grammar reference book ever written.

It’s a fantastic choice however, I wouldn’t recommend it to a intermediate or beginner student.

It’s better suited for grammarians, linguists instructors, as well as advanced students in English who are serious grammar geeks.

The following sections provide specific explanations of the rules and guidelines that govern the word and sentence formation and the connections between various components of speech.

This isn’t the kind of book you’d pick up at the beach. However, if you’re an English grammar enthusiast who is looking for an extremely detailed and precise source that provides a greater understanding of the complexity and nuances of the English language and its nuances, then this is the book to purchase.

5. The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need By Susan Thurman

The cover on the back of this book says: “‘ The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need’ is the ideal resource for everyone who wants to produce writing that is clear, concise, and grammatically excellent.”

It is a practical and user-friendly guide that will not just help in improving your grammar, but also improve your writing skills.

It covers a broad range of grammar subjects and explains the grammar principles in a clear and clear manner. There are common mistakes in writing as well as tips and methods to avoid these.

This isn’t a book that was made specifically for those who are learning English however, you’ll be able to use it as a middle-schooler.

6. English Grammar For Dummies By Geraldine Woods

Have you had you heard from”For Dummies” “For Dummies” book series?

This is a collection of manuals that help users build various practical abilities.

Do you want to know how to make a web page? It’s the “For Dummies” series gets you covered with “Web Development for Dummies”.

Are you looking to learn how to repair your vehicle? There’s no need to worry, they offer “Auto Repair for Dummies.”

Do you want to know how English grammar is working? Here’s “English Grammar for Dummies”.

The word “dummy” in English “dummy” is a noun which means “a stupid person”. But don’t get offended.

It’s not because the authors in the publication think that you’re dumb and that’s not the reason, but because the core concepts are presented in an easy and non-stressful manner that even a fool could comprehend the concepts.

This is certainly one aspects of the strength in “English Grammar for Dummies”. The author makes use of humor and a casual and lighthearted style of writing to help you comprehend even the most complicated subjects.

If you’d like to practice, you can download an accompanying workbook: “English Grammar Workbook For Dummies with Online Practice”

7. Longman Grammar Of Spoken And Written English By Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad and Geoffrey Leech

Written English differs from the grammar used in spoken English. Did you know this?

This book focuses on both.

It does this by a thorough analysis and research of vast corpora of languages which include vast collection of written and spoken texts directly from real life (newspapers, TV programs magazines, films and so on. ).

This is why you’ll find an extensive study of syntax and patterns you’ll find in a variety of contexts for usage of languages.

This isn’t a mere Grammar reference manual. It’s a book that defines grammar and the way individuals use it in everyday world to communicate.

The illustrations in the book are also amazing.

8. Woe Is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide To Better English In Plain English By Patricia T. O’Conner

Its title is a good indication of the style of writing of the author.

This is a great lighthearted, fun, and enjoyable grammar book you can enjoy reading after a long day at work, at the beach or at the park.

It employs the conversational tone to address a broad range of grammar subjects which even the native speaker of English are unable to comprehend.

Who is who? Do you lie or lay? Who or what? If I were or if I was?

There are also clear explanations that dispel the ambiguous or confusing grammar rules.

A fun and easy-to-read book to aid you in improving your understanding and application of English grammar in a casual and enjoyable manner.

9. English For Everyone By DK Publishing

Do you appreciate grammar explanations backed by vibrant illustrations, charts diagrams, and charts? If yes, this is the ideal book for you..

It’s brimming with images to help you comprehend of the most complex grammar ideas.

The series is broken down into levels ranging starting from beginners to experts and each level comes with grammar aids, workbooks along with practice tasks.

“English for Everyone” series “English for Everyone” series isn’t limited to grammar only but it also covers vocabulary and listening, speaking to read, writing, and speaking and follows a step-by-step method to aid you in absorbing the concepts gradually.

The book is vibrant, easy to learn and easy to follow. It inspires me to purchase the entire set!

10. The English Grammar Workbook For Adults By Michael DiGiacomo

The English Grammar Workbook for Adults is written by Michael DiGiacomo, a native New Yorker who has been helping students of all languages across the globe communicate in English more effectively since beginning of the 1990’s.

The book is a concise and clear guide to grammar. concise explanations, as well as expert advice regarding how grammar is applied to real-world situations.

It’s user-friendly practical and efficient, as well as has a lot of positive reviews on Amazon too.

This book is helpful to read if you’re looking to improve your writing speed and accuracy.

11. Everything Your GRAMMAR BOOK Didn’t Teach You By Michael DiGiacomo

Do you not love the unusual title already? It’s another grammar book written by DiGiacomo.

He wrote it specifically for non-native users of English or English as an alternative or foreign language learner. Also the book was written specifically for you.

The book doesn’t address every element of English grammar, but it will cover only the grammar principles that can be easily and often misunderstood.

DiGiacomo picked these up after a number of years of helping people to learn English and analysing the most frequent mistakes that his students made.

It’s 141 pages in length and is ideal for intermediate and advanced English learners.

12. Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide To Excellent Writing And Speaking By Grant Barrett

Grant Barrett is an expert dictionary editor, lexicographer, and editor of dictionary who hails from the USA.

With “Perfect English Grammar” is suitable for English learners at any level, the author offers you the tools you require to improve your daily written and spoken English.

Here are some examples to aid you in remembering writing guidelines, grammar principles as well as answers to difficult grammar-related questions.

Grant says to provide “Perfect English Grammar helps you clearly say what you want to say–and the best way to say it.”

He has years of knowledge of linguistics, and there’s no reason to trust him!

13. The Infographic Guide To Grammar: A Visual Reference For Everything You Need To Know By Jara Kern

“The Infographic Guide to Grammar” is not a text book but rather a comprehensive guide with illustrations that covers the most crucial rules of grammar and punctuation.

It will teach you all that you require about how to write and punctuate correctly.

The book is also brimming with colorful images that make even the most difficult rules simple to comprehend.

No.1 Amazon best seller in the Grammar Reference category.

Enough said.

14. The Big Book Of English Grammar For ESL And English Learners By Thomas Celentano

Thomas Celentano has taught English as an additional language for over 20 years. He has written seven books on English Grammar for English students from all over the world.

In the list, we have this book of 810 pages intended for intermediate and advanced English learners.

The book concentrates on 6 major languages:

  • Prepositions
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Nouns and expressions
  • Irregular verbs,
  • Gerunds and infinitives
  • Articles

Here you will find real-life examples of these as well as many practice exercises.

This book can also be an excellent reference tool to help you prepare for English tests in the language such as TOEFL, TOEIC, or Cambridge tests.

The new version includes the audio and video components.

15. The Best Grammar Workbook Ever: Grammar, Punctuation, and Word Usage for Ages 10 Through 110 By Arlene Miller.

Wow! What a catchy title!

I’m not convinced that you’ll be a student of grammar once you reach 110 years old, but just in the event, “The Best Grammar Workbook Ever” will assist you in understanding grammar rules at any age.

This is a complete workbook that includes grammar fundamentals, frequent grammar issues, punctuation, capitalization, as well as the use of words.

The text is written with a warm tone, and the author employs humor to students learn more easily.

This isn’t a book that’s specifically intended for those who want to learn languages however. Therefore, it’s likely to be a helpful book if you’re already an intermediate or advanced use of English.

There are more than 100 exercises and tests after each chapter, as well as helpful tips, and a comprehensive list of the answers.

The most interesting fact is that “The Best Grammar Workbook Ever” book was the winner of the award in 2016 at the New York Book Festival.

16. Macmillan English Grammar In Context

This is a grammar textbook which can be used in both in the classroom with your teacher or for studying on your own.

The three stages are Intermediate, Intermediate Advanced, along with advanced.

The three courses offer practice activities as well as clear grammar explanations based on texts from geography, science, literature history, and social science.

Additionally, you’ll find an online glossary searchable and review sections for additional practice in order to improve your understanding of grammatical patterns that are essential to understanding.

Download sample files of this series’ three levels right here.

17. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Grammar By John Eastwood

Who wouldn’t like to have all English grammar guidelines, explanations, and examples in their pockets?

All that is because of “Oxford Learner’s Pocket Grammar” A pocket-sized book that contains 180 grammar subjects and an instruction for each one of them to make you make your voice more natural and effortless.

It’s easy to take this book along on the train, bus or even in the bathroom (I think, why wouldn’t you?) for a quick overview or to sharpen your grammar when you’re preparing for Cambridge tests such as C1 First, B2 First and C2 Proficiency.

This is a great book to read anytime you’ve got some spare time to review grammar.

18. Oxford English Grammar Course By Catherine Walter And Michael Swan

This is the third volume in the in the series ( Basic, Intermediate, Advanced).

Every chapter begins with a fun presentation page which introduces the grammar point.

Then, you’ll find simple, concise as well as easy-to-remember grammar explanations, as and practice exercises.

This includes online and do-it-yourself exercises, along with personalization exercises that let you use grammar to speak about yourself.

Want more? It’s not a problem. There is a ‘More Practice section’ as well as an examination in the final section of every chapter.

There’s always a new grammar when you study using “Oxford English Grammar Course”.

19. The Perfect English Grammar Workbook: Simple Rules And Quizzes To Master Today’s English By Lisa McLendon

The book “The Perfect English Grammar Workbook” you’ll discover a comprehensive explanation of the standard American English to help you eliminate your mistakes in both writing and speaking.

It comprises:

  • Modern rules for writers of today
  • Lessons that are specifically designed to be spread across 17 chapters. Each chapter is split into distinct sections to allow you to focus on one concept at a time.
  • Quizzes and exercises that let you test the knowledge you’ve acquired.

This book is ideal for those who are learning English as you.

20. English Grammar: 100 Tragically Common Mistakes (And How To Correct Them) By Sean Williams

On the reverse of her book Sean Williams says, “Next time you have a nagging grammar question, pick up this practical guide and write with clarity and confidence.”

“English Grammar” is a true book with language explanations for the most frequent mistakes that native English speakers make.

It will explain the difference between words commonly used in a negative way common grammar errors, and writing tips and advice to assist you in writing more precisely.

The author adds, “Everyone makes mistakes–but with this English grammar guide, you’ll be making less of them. Period.”

The book is highly rated on Amazon So you can put your faith in her!

The Best English Grammar Books

In the first part of this article, I informed you that one method to enhance your language skills is to utilize grammar books. True! Reading grammar exercises and grammar explanations are helpful.

Let me also be sure to remind you of the fact that it can be difficult to attain an extremely high quality of grammatical precision simply by doing exercises and studying the rules. Do not believe the grammar-related snark!

Make sure to utilize grammar. It is possible to do this effectively by writing and speaking or by receptively reading and listening.

The ability to read stories is at the heart for StoryLearning. Method of StoryLearning. This is the reason I’ve composed shorter stories for English publications for students of English similar to you.

Sure, there’s lots of grammar within the books I mentioned in this article However, can you think of how much grammar will be used in the novel?

Whichever book you choose to read, have fun studying!

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