The Best Spaced Repetition Learning System

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Spaced repetition is an effective memorization technique based on the repetition of educational material according to certain programmable algorithms with constant or variable time intervals. Although this principle can be applied to the memorization of any information, it is most widely used in the study of foreign languages. Spaced repetition does not imply memorization without understanding (but does not exclude it), and is not opposed to mnemonics.

Flashcards are used to perform spaced repetition, a proven learning method. In order to maximize the spacing effect, flashcards that are more recent and harder are displayed more often. Older and easier flashcards on the other hand are displayed less frequently. It has been shown that spaced repetition increases the learning rate.

The principle of spaced repetition can be useful in a variety of contexts. However, it is most commonly used in situations where a student must memorize many different items. The principle is well-suited to the issue of vocabulary learning in second language acquisition. To aid in the learning process, a number of software programs based on spaced repetition have been created.

The method of spaced repetition involves asking the student to memorize a word or text, with increasing time intervals each time. The learner’s time will be doubled if they are able to remember the information. This helps them to keep it fresh and easy to recall. This method helps the learner to store the information into their long-term memories. They can practice the method until they remember it.

Tests have shown that repetition with space is effective in recalling and learning information.

It is thought that spaced repetitions with increasing intervals are so effective, because each time the interval is increased it gets harder to recall the information due to the length of time between the learning sessions. This creates an even deeper processing of information at every point in the long-term memories.

This method sorts flashcards into groups based on how well each learner understands them. They try to remember the answer written on each flashcard. They send it to the following group if they are successful. They send the card back to their first group if they do not succeed. The time between each successive group and the next is longer. The size of each partition in the deck determined the schedule for repetition. The learner will only be able to go back and review cards when the partition is full.

Lingocard’s spaced repetition is a learning technique designed to assist language learners in memorizing and retaining new vocabulary. This system works on the idea that people are better able to retain new information when they have been exposed to it over time.

This system of spaced repetition works by first presenting new vocabulary to learners and gradually increasing the interval between reviews. The words the learners find difficult are repeated more often, and those that they already understand are less frequently reviewed. The goal of this approach is to improve the memory process for new words and optimize learning.

We have created a simple interface that allows software developers to implement spaced-repetition. Three buttons control the algorithms for maximum effectiveness. Spaced repetitions are accessible from anywhere, as the entire process of learning is automatically synced with a cloud server. Mobile applications store all of the material studied and the results from memorization locally on the phone’s memory. This allows users to study languages without an Internet connection. ).

Our development team also created spaced repetition algorithm with individual user settings. You can set the number and type of exercises you want to do each day, with a notification at certain times. Also, it is possible to use dictionaries or flashcards, to listen to pronunciation, to create your own materials, to upload them, to even set up notifications.

I believe that the spaced-repetition system is one of the most efficient ways to learn a new language or memorize vocabulary. Lingocard’s personalized and automated approach allows students to optimize their learning.

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