The best way to master English, or any other language is by using a frequency dictionary.

Estimated read time 4 min read

A frequency dictionary is a collection (list) of words in a particular language that are most frequently used in written or spoken language.

Sorting the dictionary by frequency is possible, as well alphabetically and by word groups (for instance, first ten thousand of the most common words are listed, then the next ten thousand, etc.). The dictionary can be sorted by frequency, alphabetically, or groups of words (for example the first thousands of most frequent words followed by the second), etc. Frequency list are useful for language teaching and learning, creating new dictionaries or computational linguistics, as well as linguistic typology.

The importance of frequency information in the learning process is not to be underestimated. The 4,000 to 5,000 words that are most frequently used in a text can account for as much as 95 percent, and for the most part of spoken language. The results, although only applicable to English, show that by using frequency as a guideline for learning vocabulary, it’s possible for a student to build a good lexicon. Two caveats are important to remember. Counting words isn’t as simple as you might think. The frequency information contained in frequency dictionary should not be the sole source of guidance for a student. The frequency information can be a good place to start and may have immediate benefits. Prioritizing the words you will most likely hear or read is a sensible way to learn. This series of dictionaries is based on this philosophy.

The most frequent requests for assistance from language learners are “I don’t know this word.” “What is it?” and “How does it work?”

It is not uncommon for people to have difficulty communicating, reading and writing well and having other problems because they don’t know enough or the correct words. The need to learn so many different words in English is a major obstacle.
You need about 10,000 words to be able to communicate effectively in another language. It is therefore important that you memorize the words most commonly used in written and spoken speech. There are approximately 50,000 English words. Even if you memorize 10000 words without using a frequency diction, your understanding of foreign language will be much poorer than if you used a dictionary.

Also, I recommend that you memorize whole sentences and sentences about the topics of your choice. You will be able to pronounce sentences quickly, as you will have multiple sentences and structures memorized.

You may have noticed that people tend to pause a lot when they speak in another language. This causes discomfort for your listener. You can use this technique to speak without stammering, and “issue” sentences quickly.

Lingocard Frequency dictionaries have been compiled by using algorithms that analyze the words most frequently used in popular world literature.

Our mobile apps make it easy to memorize and store words. Our applications offer frequency dictionaries for any combination up to 67 languages. After entering our app, you can immediately download basic frequency dictionaries.

You will have to memorize a lot of words after downloading dictionaries. We have created a series of tools for memorization and exercises.

With the Lingocard application for mobile, we have developed a completely unique audio player that allows you to memorize sentences and words at any given time. For example, when driving. You can listen only to new words and phrases by marking the material.

Our products are not adorned with pictures, as they’re familiar to the majority of users. We are loading an enormous amount of sentences and words into your device. If you were to do the same with images, then you would need lots of memory. You can still add pictures to your language and difficult words. You can make your own neural connections by choosing the image for each word.

It is extremely valuable to be able to translate quickly in both directions, from foreign to native language and vice-versa. It is important to memorize language cards in order to facilitate this process. You can configure your desired card settings in the menu of the application to help you with this.

You can check your previous study material by marking the cards you have already studied. This will let you open the catalog on any device and check your memorization.

You can download or create your own frequency dictionary from text files. Store them on the cloud for free and maximize your learning efficiency.

Learning frequency dictionaries in conjunction with simple sentences is highly effective. By memorizing sentences, you will create models of your own and bundles in your head. You can then conduct dialogues without having to think about the words or the sentences.

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