Why Learn English? 16 Surprising Reasons To Learn English

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Why Learn English? 16 Surprising Reasons To Learn English

What is the reason to learn English?

It’s true that English is among the top widely spoken worldwide.

Does this not motivate you to take the course? It might not be.

And here are 16 additional reasons to start studying English right now.


1. Make International Social Connections

I believe you’ll like to think that when you speak only the language of your home, you will only be able to converse with those who speak your native language.

The globe is full of those who don’t know your native language The majority of them use English to communicate with each other.

How do you build social connections, create friends or even conduct business with them when you aren’t able to communicate with them? What can you do to explore different world cultures with a basic understanding of English?

That’s why the primary motive: to improve your English as it’s an effective tool to help increase your social and cultural perspectives.

2. Access Information Online

English isn’t only the most widely spoken language in the world, it’s one of the top in the world of internet.

The majority of world news sites and blogs on travel, blogs and educational websites including tutorials, online courses as well as video streaming websites are written in English. Therefore, you will not be able to gain access to this rich source of information if you don’t comprehend and read the English foreign language.

English provides you with the capability to use and explore the internet efficiently.

It helps you become more educated.

3. Understand Academic And Scientific Research

English is the official language used in scientific research.

Researchers, Doctors, Professors academics, graduate students, and academics all over the globe share their findings of research in online publications and scientific journals.

For example, HTML0 is one such.

If you’re in the university or someone who is a scientist or individual who is interested in topics related to academics If you’re contemplating of submitting a research paper to the world’s scientific community, which language you’d have to acquire?

The process of learning English can help you get immersed in a vast wide range of knowledge and knowledge.

Did you say you love science? There’s no reason for you not to be a lover of English as well!

4. Enjoy Hollywood Movies To The Fullest

In several nations, Hollywood movies are dubbed in the local language of the nation in which the film was filmed.

In Italy For instance it is not possible to see a American film in English in the theater or via national channels. Films are screened in Italian because the voices of the American actors who appear in the film are replaced with those from Italian actors.

If you’re from one of these nations and have seen Hollywood films in your native spoken language, then you could believe that there is no problem in doing dubbing.

You’re likely to listen to Leonardo DiCaprio speak your native dialect.

Once you’ve started studying and watching Hollywood films in English I’m able to assure that you’ll never again desire to view another dubbed film.

It’s evident that the actual actors as well as actresses’ abilities, their tone accent, intonation, and nuance are omitted in the process of dubbed movies.

It is possible to hear the actual voice and the emotions of actors and it feels like that you’re in a totally distinct film, not to mention since the movements of lips coincide with the sound that come out of mouths!

No more Leonardo DiCaprio speaking French. Don’t hear Jennifer Aniston sounding Portuguese or Italian or Japanese.

Take the time to learn English and you’ll experience the most comfortable, authentic and satisfying encounter every time you stand at the computer.

5. Access Better Career Opportunities

There was a time when I had one of my students, Pablo (not an actual name) and he was deeply unhappy.

Pablo worked at a highly regarded insurance firm that was a prestigious insurance company in Spain in which there were major shifts. The departments were expanded, the employees were given new roles and unfortunately, some employees were dismissed.

Pablo was in danger of losing his job as well. The company told him that it was possible to stay when he is willing to accept a new position which had greater responsibilities.

The job required capability to understand and speak English since he’d be required to participate in meetings with others from different countries, and also travel to other countries too.

Pablo’s English However, his English was not even existent. This is why Pablo was irritated. He was unable to comprehend the English names for colours and the days of the week.

He was fortunate, however, that the boss gave him the opportunity to develop his English skills.

Don’t be waiting for your employer to make a change before you start learning English. Get started right now. You don’t wish to be facing a situation similar to Pablo’s.

Nowadays, almost all jobs in the corporate world require a good understanding of written and spoken English. It’s no longer enough to be basic and there’s no excuse to not learn the language for a way to grow your professional career and discover a plethora of opportunities in the workplace.

(In case you’re in doubt, Pablo kept his job and now serves as head of the Spanish insurance firm.)

6. Travel With Ease

If you’re in a country in which no one speaks the language you speak, English is what you’re most likely to require in order to:

  • Order food
  • Purchase tickets
  • For information on tourist destinations, ask for a travel guide.
  • Make sure you check in to a hotel
  • Make use of public transport
  • Seek medical assistance
  • Ask for directions
  • Begin conversations in a basic manner with locals
  • Get the essentials
  • Find help for emergencies, or contact the emergency services
  • Engage the local authorities
  • Join tours and excursions
  • Meet other travellers
  • You can rent a car
  • Be aware of safety precautions
  • Contact customer service
  • Take part in events and shows
  • Documentation or paperwork should be dealt with.

…and numerous other duties.

English can make you more effective traveler.

It is possible to say “I don’t have to learn English. You can make use of Online translators!”

Yes, but the satisfaction that comes from having things completed in another language with using the aid of a translator truly worth it.

I would like you to feel that!

7. Speak To Foreigners In Your Country

There are many foreigners who visit your country to enjoy tourism.

It’s likely that you see tourists cruising in your towns far away.

If you’re required to assist them find their way around the city or simply talk to them, the most likely you’ll need to speak with them via English. They’ll appreciate it.

English can make you more open-minded native!

8. Gaming

I am a huge fan of video games. My favorites include Age of Empires II Definitive Edition as well as FIFA.

Sometimes I play games online with players from all over the globe and English is my preferred language for communicating with my team in order to beat the other team.

English is essential for anyone who is an ambitious player.

Actually, I’ve spoken to numerous people who have been able to enhance their English through playing games on video!

Aren’t these great benefits for you? This means that you are able to mix your love of video games while also taking classes in a foreign English language!

9. Talk To Your English Speaking Idols

Imagine you meet someone you admire. This could be a performer or writer, athlete, film celebrity or someone that you truly like.

This isn’t impossible. It’s possible to see them signing the autographs of guests at an event or walk out of the venue following a performance when they’re famous musicians.

What questions would you like to ask them? What advice would you give them? What conversation would you like to be able to engage in?

If you do not speak one another’s languages, the language you want to convey with them has to be written in English.

It is not a good idea to be stuck in a position where you’ve got your most loved people from all over the world right standing in front of you and they can’t speak to them since you don’t know the universal language!

Aren’t there other good reasons to master the dialect?

10. Enjoy Music And Books

Queen, Imagine Dragons, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica, Earth Wind and Fire, Katty Perry, Jay-Z, Bon Jovy, Bruno Mars, The Beatles, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, James Brown, Ed Sheeran – the list of singers who perform in English is vast.

The ability to comprehend English is being able to be able to comprehend what the people who sing when they sing.

This is also true of the books that are written in English. The English version of a book of course however, not all can be translated. Certain nuances and meanings are lost when translated to another languages.

Therefore, if you’re able to be able to read in English and you can read in English, you’ll be awed by English literature better and enjoy a greater satisfaction each whenever you read the book.

Why wouldn’t you?

11. Study Abroad

Perhaps your goal is to go abroad and study at the top university.

It is certainly possible since some of the top-ranked schools and universities offer courses for international students.

However, these programs typically are offered in English and will require evidence of English proficiency by taking tests like IELTS or TOEFL.

Therefore, if you’re able to be able to read, talk, comprehend and even write English It will be much more easy for you to realize the dream of attending top-quality institutions offering high-quality educational and research possibilities.

12. Work In Finance

English is not just the primary language for sciences and technology but is the main language in the world’s financial industry.

The largest information on financial literature, research reports and market research can be found available in English.

Therefore, if you’re working in finance, or are a financial investor, or just want to keep up-to-date on the most recent trends, laws and developments regarding the world of finance knowing English is crucial.

13. Gain Cultural Understanding

English is a world one. True. However, it’s also the official language for many nations.

That means if you want to be able to communicate to the diverse cultural traditions at a higher degree, you must understand their languages.

This is how you’ll know how people think, and how they shape their perceptions. This is how you can uncover not just words, but also aspects of their culture history, values, and histories.

Then you’ll be able to appreciate the subtleties that make all of these societies unique.

14. Improve Your Love Life

A few years ago, Kaplan International asked 1,213 English as an additional language to understand what they thought about when they decided to study English.

Here are the results:

I’m not required to do anything else to the above.

This infographic explains everything!

15. Develop Your Brain Power

Did you realize that studying a language can be beneficial for your brain?

There’s evidence to suggest that those who speak two languages have higher speed of memory in the short term, as well as problem-solving capabilities as well as attention control when compared with people who use only one different language.

Are you looking to boost your brainpower? The process of learning English may be the answer you’re looking for. It’s an excellent way of training the brain and helps keep the mind healthy.

16. Enjoy A Fun Hobby

Do you think that you must master English for a different objective, like or getting promoted to a new job?

You may decide to take up learning English for fun. There are many people who do this. It is possible to be playing tennis on Mondays evenings or attend the photography class on Wednesday afternoons and attend English courses on Fridays.

It is possible to attend English classes and classes, which can be fun to do as a group activity that you can enjoy for fun. You’ll meet new people, chat about subjects of interest to everyone as well as play games in the language.

Learn English is an enjoyable pastime to pursue!

Why Learn English?

It is evident that studying English can help you develop as an individual, get connected with others and enrich your personal life and the world around you in various ways.

The best part about this is that it doesn’t require you to relocate in an English-speaking area in order to master it. There’s plenty of English all around you! The only thing you require, in essence is a connection to the internet.

This list of resources has encouraged you to get started or keep studying the languages around the globe.

To aid you on to aid you in your English learning, make sure that you comply with the principles for StoryLearning and also read stories that are short written in English.

The fun will only increase exploring this language with the power of storytelling!

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